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Brushing and Flossing:
It is easy to accumulate plaque and calculus (tartar) around braces, so it is VERY IMPORTANT TO BRUSH AND FLOSS REGULARLY to help prevent cavities, decalcification (white marks on the teeth), and gum problems.  When your braces are placed, we will show you how to use brushing accessories like floss threaders and interproximal brushes that can help clean around your braces.  It is also extremely important that you continue to see your family dentist while wearing braces - he/she will want to continue your regular cleaning and examination visits to maintain the health of your teeth.

Foods to Avoid:
The first several days after your braces are placed or adjusted, you will want to eat soft, nutritious foods.  In general, you want to avoid any hard foods that might break the braces, such as hard candies, nuts, popcorn kernels, beef jerky, ice, etc. You should also avoid any sticky and sugary foods that may hide under the braces and cause cavities.  Examples of such foods are caramels, taffy, and licorice. 

Caring For Your Braces:
To successfully complete your treatment, it is important that the patient and doctors work together.  It is important to consistently wear any prescribed    auxiliary appliances (such as rubber bands or headgear) in order to complete your treatment.  Damaged braces can slow progress, and will likely increase the        amount of time it takes to finish your orthodontic treatment.  


Removable Retainers

  • Wear your retainer full time, day and night, unless otherwise instructed.
  • Remove your retainer to eat and to brush your teeth.  Rinse well after drinking soft drinks or fruit juice. 
  • Always keep your retainer in a case when it is not in your mouth.  Do not wrap it in a napkin while eating because it might get thrown away.
  • You can clean your retainer by soaking it in a retainer cleaning solution available at your local pharmacy.
  • Keep your retainer away from pets, even when it’s in the case.  They will eat it!
  • Keep your retainer in a cool place, away from hot places such as the car dashboard, stoves or radiators.  Do not use hot water to wash your retainer because it may get distorted.
  • Remember to bring your retainer with you to all of your orthodontic appointments.
  • Please contact our office right away if your retainer is lost or broken.  Your teeth may move very quickly without a retainer.

Lower Bonded Retainers

  • Remember to floss (as instructed in our office) between the teeth to which the fixed retainer is attached
  • Do not pick or pull at the bonded retainer.  Your lower bonded retainer might loosen if you bite into firm or hard foods. 
  • If your retainer loosens on one side, or comes off completely, call our office right away so arrangements can be made for repair.  Your teeth may move very quickly without a retainer.
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